Produkte von Malts of Scotland, Senefelderstraße 7, 33100 Paderborn

Malts of Scotland, Senefelderstraße 7, 33100 Paderborn

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Malts of Scotland Glendronach 1994 - MoS21042 "Rare Casks Range" Sherry Butt - 56.2% - 113 Bottles
Malts of Scotland Glendronach 1994 - MoS21042...
Glendronach 1994 - MoS21042 "Rare Casks Range" Sherry Butt - 56.2% - 113 Bottles Nase: intensiver alter Sherry, Pflaumenkompott, Schwarzkirschen, dunkler Honig, Backpflaumen, etwas Lebkuchen, feine Weihnachtsgewürze, eine Prise Zimt,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (855,00 € * / 1 Liter)
598,50 € *
Malts of Scotland Craigellachie 2010 Ruby Port Wine Cask 54.5% 299 Bottles
Malts of Scotland Craigellachie 2010 Ruby Port...
Craigellachie 2010 - MoS21046 Ruby Port Wine Cask - 54.5% - 299 Bottles Nase: Johannisbeeren, Waldbeeren, Rosenblätter mit weißer Schokolade, Hagebuttentee, Hibiskusblüte Geschmack: hochprozentiger Rotwein, Waldhonig, Vanille, dänische...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (112,14 € * / 1 Liter)
78,50 € *
Malts of Scotland GLEN ELGIN - Bourbon Barrel - 56.5%Vol 210 Bottles
Malts of Scotland GLEN ELGIN - Bourbon Barrel -...
GLEN ELGIN - MoS21039 Bourbon Barrel - 56.5% - 210 Bottles Nase: Toffee, Karamell, Vanillestangen, Apfelmus, Gebäck, helle Früchte, Karamellpudding Geschmack: Vanillepudding, leicht fruchtig, Haferflocken, Müsliriegel, kandierter Ingwer,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (103,14 € * / 1 Liter)
72,20 € * 79,00 € *
Malts of Scotland DALMORE 2007 Sherry Hogshead - 52.1 %Vol 311 Bottles
Malts of Scotland DALMORE 2007 Sherry Hogshead...
DALMORE 2007 - MoS21041 Sherry Hogshead - 52.1% - 311 Bottles Nase: Spritzgebäck, Erdnüsse, Karamelpudding, Milchkaffee, Rosinen, Traube-Nuss-Schokolade Geschmack: butterweich, Laugenbrezel mit Schokoüberzug, Butterkeks, Studentenfutter,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (135,00 € * / 1 Liter)
94,50 € *
Malts of Scotland PORT CHARLOTTE 2008 Oloroso Sherry Hogshead 57.8%Vol - 246 Bottles
Malts of Scotland PORT CHARLOTTE 2008 Oloroso...
PORT CHARLOTTE 2008 - MoS21033 Oloroso Sherry Hogshead - 57.8% - 246 Bottles Nase: fruchtiger Rauch, weißer Pfeffer, Muskatnuß, geräucherter Schinken, Schokolade, Leder, Pflaumenmus, Tabak, altes Eichenholz Geschmack: weicher Rauch,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (255,00 € * / 1 Liter)
178,50 € *
Malts of Scotland IMAGES of Islay Bridge of River Laggan 53.2%Vol 396 Bottles
Malts of Scotland IMAGES of Islay Bridge of...
IMAGES of Islay - Bridge of River Laggan - MoS21034 53.2% - 396 Bottles Nase: Holzkohle, kaltes Lagerfeuer, Asche, Honig, Bisquitboden, gesalzener Eierlikör, Heu, Nori-Blätter Geschmack: süßer erdiger Rauch, Pfeiffentabak, süße Birne,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (112,14 € * / 1 Liter)
78,50 € *
Malts of Scotland Glengoyne 2001 2021 Sherry Butt 56,8 %Vol 330 bottles
Malts of Scotland Glengoyne 2001 2021 Sherry...
Glengoyne 2001 - MoS21013 Sherry Butt - 56.8% - 330 Bottles Nase: Kaffee Röstaromen, Leder, Nougat, geröstete Maronen, Creme Brulee, Orangenschalen, Rumtopf, Kirschen eingelegt in Whisky, frische Eiche, altes speckiges Leder Geschmack:...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (355,00 € * / 1 Liter)
248,50 € *
Malts of Scotland Linkwood 2009 Sherry Hogshead - 56.5 %Vol - 287 Bottles
Malts of Scotland Linkwood 2009 Sherry Hogshead...
Linkwood 2009 - MoS21045 Sherry Hogshead - 56.5% - 287 Bottles Nase: Tabakblätter, Erdnüsse in Vollmilchschokolade, altes Leder, Macademia Nüsse, Rumrosinen, Double Chocolate Coockie, Backpflaume im Speckmantel Geschmack: Dunkle...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (127,86 € * / 1 Liter)
89,50 € *
Malts of Scotland Miltonduff Bourbon Barrel 2011 2021 47,5 %Vol
Malts of Scotland Miltonduff Bourbon Barrel...
Miltonduff 2011 - MoS21008 Bourbon Barrel - 47.5% - 204 Bottles "ID Range" Nase: Bananen Keksbrei, Karamell Sahnebonbon, Honig, Vanille, leichtes Nussaroma, Buttercremetorte, Apfelstrudel Geschmack: gesalzenes Karamell, Honigbonbons,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (77,86 € * / 1 Liter)
54,50 € *
Malts of Scotland WAREHOUSE DIAMONDS Benriach 1985 Bourbon Barrel 44.0%Vol 167 Bottles
Malts of Scotland WAREHOUSE DIAMONDS Benriach...
WAREHOUSE DIAMONDS Benriach 1985 - MoS21019 Bourbon Barrel - 44.0% - 167 Bottles Nase: old style Speyside Whisky Mango, Pfirsich, Ananas, Guave, Honigmelone, Zitronenschale, Zuckerwatte, Butterstreuselkuchen Geschmack: weich und...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (998,57 € * / 1 Liter)
699,00 € *
Malts of Scotland Tormore 1992 2021 45 %Vol Bourbon Hogshead Rare Cask Range
Malts of Scotland Tormore 1992 2021 45 %Vol...
Tormore 1992 MoS21010 45% Nase: tropische Früchte, reife Birnen, Apfelkompott, Honigbonbons, Met, grüne Apfel, Kokusnußwasser, Geschmack: Ananas, Pfirsich, Honigmelone, Vanillesorbet, Honig, Sandkuchen, Zitronenglasur,trockenes Mundgefühl
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (262,86 € * / 1 Liter)
184,00 € * 199,50 € *
Malts of Scotland Lawrencburg 2007 2021 Refill Bourbon Barrel 55,1 %Vol
Malts of Scotland Lawrencburg 2007 2021 Refill...
Lawrencburg 2007 MoS21022 55.1% Nase: Karamelltoffee, Vanillepudding, gezuckertes Popcorn, Honigbonbon, Marshmallows, Kokosmakronen, süßer Pfeifentabak Geschmack: Honigbonbons, Karamell, Leder, weiße Schokolade, Vanilleshake, Holzspäne,...
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (112,14 € * / 1 Liter)
78,50 € *
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